MoneyWalk 10 Your Income Is Enough

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Many people judge their ability to manage their finances by how much money they actually receive from work and other sources in a month. It’s easy to convince yourself that government assis-tance or minimum wage income or the low wage you think you make isn’t enough to manage successfully or that your family situation, etc. are too much for your income to adequately cover and provide for abundant giving and future growth. However, it behooves you to have an active plan for managing income you receive no matter how much it is, otherwise financial turmoil overtake you because you fail to call things that be not as though they are and to inherit the promise through faith, obedience, and diligence in following biblical instruction.

No one, rich or poor, is excused from the biblical principle of knowing the state of his/her estate (income, expenses, assets, and liabilities) in order to manage it well and multiply it throughout his/her future. You will be richly rewarded when you prioritize your life to tithe or give in proportion to income with which you are blessed in order to spread the gospel of our LORD Jesus Christ via the Church as well as take care of family needs including saving & investing aligned with ascertaining and estimating future needs and worthwhile desires. This requires that you consistently expend on yourself and family less than your net monthly income.

Never refuse to give abundantly to fund the gospel, for you do not want to find yourself in financial turmoil because of your failure to give and manage money in a God-honoring way that also would have immensely blessed you. The LORD understands that most people, even after giving abundantly and saving & investing reasonably, will spend 50% to 70% of their net income on themselves and their immediate family. He is not upset with you for following such a pattern though as you become more intimate with Him via worship, thanksgiving, praise, and prayer your heart will grow over time to find yourself giving a higher percentage of your income and living off a lower percentage.

I have personally noted situations where the LORD moved a person to give an item to another person which that person could not afford but had need of. This has happened numerous times when no one except God knew the person’s need. The LORD is not limited in His supernatural ability to provide your material needs and desires even though in the natural you or others have a perceived lack of income or seemingly hopeless financial situation. To receive the great economic / financial benefits the bible shows are available to each person, all one need do is put his/her hand to the plow to do what scripture instructs: tithe, give offerings, budget, eliminate debt, refuse to cosign, save, invest, and diversify. You will certainly experience abundance when you put faith into action, which is displayed by obedience to His commands and instruction.

Please pray for this ministry, email me with any questions, and contact me to speak at your business or ministry conference or workshop. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Proverbs 27:23-24, Matthew 25:14-31, Luke 14:28, 19:12-27

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You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

You can find many other MoneyWalk articles on Facebook by looking at the NOTES created by Randy Parlor at!/profile.php?id=100000444069041&sk=notes.

You can connect with Randy Parlor on Twitter and Linkedin

You can also view and/or listen to MoneyWalk articles at

MoneyWalk 9 Diligence At Work

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

A necessary step to reversing your negative financial condition is to change your attitude about your current job. This applies whether you’re self-employed or working for someone else. Begin to thank God for the work that is currently a blessing to you by providing an income you can use to take care of yourself, family, and other responsibilities.

No matter how small your paycheck appears to be, no matter how insignificant your position appears to be, and no matter how bad the atmosphere at work appears to be, you must thank God for His graces currently extended while you look forward to, envision, and set goals to capture future work opportunities along with greater income and employment relationships / situations that allow you to exercise your God-given gifts, skills, abilities, and purpose.

All experiences, whether good or bad, work together for your good because the LORD said so in His word. Your present situation will become a link to the next higher step in your career development when you become a diligent worker who does not murmur, who seeks to glorify Him by performing to the best of your ability, and who asks the Holy Spirit to help you find reasonable solutions to problem issues.

When you truly believe your work, employer, and/or entrepreneurial endeavors are blessings from Him and a step on the ladder that helps you fulfill His mission for your life and the Church, you oil the godly networking machine that positively changes your financial fortune. He is sure to show you how to stretch the income you receive and will increase it at various points in the future through promotions and new employment opportunities so you can do even more to reflect His glory in the earth and lead people to Him.

Please pray for this ministry, email me with any questions, and contact me to speak at your business or ministry conference or workshop. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Proverbs 6:6-11, Proverbs 19:15-16, 2Thessalonians 3:10, James 2:22

Please forward these bondage-breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!

You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

You can find many other MoneyWalk articles on Facebook by looking at the NOTES created by Randy Parlor at!/profile.php?id=100000444069041&sk=notes.

You can connect with Randy Parlor on Twitter and Linkedin

You can also view and/or listen to MoneyWalk articles at

MoneyWalk 357: Jesus In You Is Necessary For True Success

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

The best blessing can only be obtained by confessing that Jesus Christ is your Savior and LORD. This blessing cannot be earned. It is only available based on the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross, His righteousness extended to you, and His resurrection as a sign that you also are raised to newness of life upon accepting Him as the only way to be saved.

In Him are many other blessings as well. He provides them to help you fulfill His plan upon the earth for the salvation and disciple-making of other people. True and everlasting success only come as a result of listening to Him to identify ways to engage His plan as you go about your life in every venue (the marketplace, neighborhood, relationships, etc.). Regardless of the money and material things you have or do not have, without Him you can only be successful in the eyes of men. What does that gain you in the light of eternity? It profits a person nothing to gain the world, but lose His soul.

From the foundation of the world, God planned to meet every need and desire of mankind. He knew by giving Adam and Eve freewill they would sin and bring a curse upon mankind that could only be eliminated by the blood of Jesus Christ. Every person engages evil works and will ultimately pay an eternally painful price for it until accepting Jesus Christ.

Even on earth, good (activities that please Him) and evil (ungodly activities that displease Him) have respective positive and negative consequences attached to them. Positive results that bring eternal reward come only when you honor Christ by living for Him in the way that pleases Him. This can only be accomplished by allowing Him to live His life in you and show it outwardly to others. For your eternal and earthly sake, no matter the station in life or career you have been afforded, you must rely on biblical instruction to truly secure blessing for your life. Honor God by living for Him including using His money management principles. Only then are you assured of righteousness, peace, and joy forevermore.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Proverbs 3:5-10, Malachi 3:6-12, Matthew 6:25-34, Luke 6:38

Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!

You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

You can find many other MoneyWalk articles on Facebook by looking at the NOTES created by Randy Parlor at!/profile.php?id=100000444069041&sk=notes.

You can connect with Randy Parlor on Twitter and LinkedIn

You can also view and/or listen to MoneyWalk articles at

Luke 12:15

Jesus said to the people, “Beware! Protect yourself against the least bit of greed, because life that truly matters isn’t defined by what you have, even when you have a lot.”

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MoneyWalk 250 Beating The Enemy

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

The bible tells you that satan and the demonic forces continually try to destroy your eternal and natural destiny by provoking you to act on negative thoughts. However, the LORD gives you victory over their attacks when you pray and let Him lead you into positive, fruitful activities. You are a partner with God when you become obedient to biblical principles that He said would make you a good steward over the life and money He entrusts to you.

Sometimes, you may feel like you’re losing a battle, however you cannot lose when you’ve accepted Jesus Christ as Savior & LORD, put your trust in Him, and let the Holy Spirit guide you. You’re being sanctified day by day to clean up rough areas of your life, such as ungodly attitudes and habits, irresponsibility, inconsistency, disorganization, and reckless money management (too much spending, taking on debt, and failing to honor God by tithing and giving free-will offerings for the advancement of the gospel in the hearts of men, women, and children everywhere).

As a believer, the blood of Jesus covers your past, present, and future sins and blunders and gives you eternal access at all times to Him and His way of doing things. By accepting Him and desiring to walk with Him, you put on the whole armor of God, which protects you against every attack that would harm your soul or spirit. By the power of the Holy Spirit living in you and commands He speaks through you, rebuke satan and demonic forces to make them flee from you. You’ll more clearly see how the Lord wants you to mature in thinking, behaving, and taking action toward His purposes as you live out your life on earth. As you do all you can by consistently using prayer, praise, worship, and biblical lifestyle & money management principles, just stand in Him and His truth and you’ll begin to prosper like never before.

Matthew 16:18-19, Romans 8:26-28, Ephesians 6:10-18 James 4:7-10

Please pray for this ministry and email questions to and share the links below with others who need guidance. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Share weekly with family and friends so these bondage-breaking articles and other financial information can help them gain helpful insight! @everyone

The book at the link below provides principles and practical steps that help you use the Power to Get Wealth. By 1992, we had $135,000 of debt and a negative $35,000 net worth. Financial bondage and turmoil led me to seek principles and a process for employing good stewardship. As a result, we became constructively debt-free in 1998, mortgage free January 2004, millionaires in 2012, multi-millionaires shortly thereafter, and retired in 2018 in my mid-fifties from public servant jobs while giving abundantly to fund the gospel of our LORD Jesus Christ. The same power is available to you!

You can find books authored by Randy and Karen Parlor at

You can also connect with Randy Parlor on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, Google Blogger, WordPress, Pinterest, TikTok, Tumbler, and You Tube.

1Timothy 6:3

If anyone teaches a different doctrine and does not agree with the sound] words of our Lord Jesus Christ and his teaching on godliness,he is puffed up with pride and understands nothing.

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Job 1:21

The Lord gave me everything I have, and it’s all His to take away. Blessed be the name of the Lord!

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The following link contains helpful videos and other information to enhance your business and includes a list of The King’s Group business members who offer products & services you may need. @everyone

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